I will get to reporting on our amazing Disney World trip but it's just too daunting right now. I'll do that in January.
He looks a lot more comfortable than he did last year but always with that thumb which is a clear indicator that he's not feeling completely at ease.
We did manage to get a grin out of him but it was fleeting and we were pretty lucky to get a picture of it.
On Sunday Derek was feeling pretty rough and Hyrum had a nasty cough (although he was acting fine) so he and Hyrum stayed home from church. Later we decided to decorate a bit in the house. We opened one of our boxes and found our gigantic stockings and decided to see if Hyrum would fit in it.
He wasn't as excited about it as we were. But he was much more excited to put up the Nativity scene. Every time he put up a piece and had it settled and facing in the right direction he was diving for another one.
A few days later when Derek was feeling better (and on one of the coldest nights of the year) we decided to venture out to the local Christmas tree lot to pick out a tree.
Hyrum loved running around the trees hiding from us and then peeking out at us. Being here though made me think of last year being in Michigan and picking out a tree from one of the many tree farms around so I did my best to try to recreate that.
Not too successful but at least Hyrum was happy. Although on the way home he said that his feet hurt. We asked if they were cold and he said no. But as soon as we took his boots off we found that his toes were little ice blocks. Poor little guy. We didn't have a truck to throw it into the back of or even a longer car to strap it to the top so we put it in the trunk as best as we could. It still stuck out quite a bit. It's a good thing we live in the country.
Then Dad took it to a new level and helped him put decorations up towards the top of the tree. He was all about that.
Since this is the first year in the house and we have high ceilings we decided to get an 8 foot tree. And since Hyrum has been so excited about trains we decided to put a train around the bottom of the tree.
The tree is a little skinnier in the middle than we realized at the tree lot. It must have been the cold that blinded us to this small abnormality. Or maybe it was just that I wanted SOMEBODY to have a waist in the house. :) We've been figuring out the new ways we can decorate this house. It's been fun.
( I'm not sure if you can tell but those are Star Wars ships on his tree and a sled full of little people. Those are the ornaments he couldn't live without. And he fell in love with that little gingerbread house I painted in my teens )
I think Derek did a fabulous job. It is certainly better than the system the previous owners had for the lights. They had pounded nails into the roof and strung twine from one to another and then wrapped the lights around the twine. Interesting. We spent the summer pulling out the nails and filling the nail holes so we don't end up with water damage somewhere down the road.
We got home from The World on Friday night and Saturday was our wards Christmas party. Santa came and sat with all of the kids. I wondered how Hyrum would do as he wouldn't even touch Santa last year as he sat uncomfortably on his lap and kept his arms aloft. But as soon as Santa walked through the doors Hyrum was all smiles saying "SANTA!!" We waited in line and he realized that if he sat with Santa he got a sucker. That certainly sweetened the deal. He didn't get ANYTHING for posing with the Characters in Disney World.
After Santa left they had a dinner and a program that Derek was a narrator for and our next door neighbors and their darling baby girl played the parts of Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus.
We got home and started to decorate the tree. Hyrum wasn't too interested in being involved but as soon as we helped him to put a ball on the tree he was really excited.
We quickly realized that we don't have as many flat surfaces to put things in the front room as we had in the apartment ( because EVERYTHING was in the front room in the apartment). So some things have gone into Hyrum's room.
Before we left and when it was warmer Derek got up on the roof and put up lights. Neither of us were too excited to put up colored lights. We're both more solid color light fans but we had a bunch of colored lights so we put them up with every intention to put up solid color lights in the coming years. Hyrum was excited about them though. Every time he sees them he says "Oooo Wow! They're glowing! Glowing! Glowing!" He likes everything glowing so he's always plugging in the lights despite my constant efforts to save on electricity.
Kyle and Amy Brinkerhoff said...
I am slightly disappointed the next post wasn't about your trip. I have been dying to see pictures and hear how it went.
Pam said...
Your house looks so festive. What fun to find where the old decorations will in the new house. Miss you all!
Laurie said...
It looks like you are ready for Christmas! We are trying - I think we'll get there one day, hopefully before the 25th.... Can't wait to see and hear about your adventures at Disney World!
Globe Trotters said...
I love your tree- regardless of its abnormalities :) Merry Christmas!
Jenn J. said...
Such a cute festive house! I totally understand skipping Disney. It's so hard to blog about the whole trip and everything, yet, you want to. It's a definite undertaking for sure.
Keep having a great Christmas season! And keep posting those pictures!!