And then some on the steps for a close up. I love that my boys are snuggling closer and that Noah isn't pawing Hyrum away in pictures anymore
Then the time came to get Hyrum to school. Derek was home for vacation still so he walked side by side with him as I snapped pictures frantically.
We got down the stairs to the preschool room
and Hyrum went immediately to play with play doh.
We hung back to take pictures and take it all in. Hyrum looked up at one point and said
Mom, are you going to leave?
Yeah, but we're just going to be here for a little while longer
Then leave!
Well that pretty much settled it. We turned and walked back up the stairs as another parent assured us it was better than having him cling to our legs. I'm sure we'll experience that sometime down the road with another child. As we walked out the door Noah burst into tears.
He kicked and screamed and cried pointing towards the preschool.
He was being left behind and he knew it. He cried all the way home and for probably 20 minutes after we got home. I only got him to settle down by giving him fishy crackers and letting him use Hyrum's Star Wars bowl and Star Wars spoon. Hopefully this gets better for Noah.
Three hours dragged on while we waited for the time to go pick Hyrum up and we were waiting at the top of the stairs when he made his way up.
There are two Hyrum's in his class...only in Utah...so he is known by his full name. That's not a bad thing. Maybe that will mean he'll learn to write his full name and not just his first.
It's a good thing that we carpool with the girl that was in Hyrum's Mommy preschool last year. When we asked Hyrum what he did he just said "I can't remember" but when we asked Sadie she gave us an entire run down of the day. Ahh the differences between girls and boys. Now if only we could fit all three of them in our compact car without having to bang booster seats together when we close the doors and get into personal space for an awkward amount of time to buckle up seat belts.
Jenn J. said...
Oh, what a cute, little man! I'm glad he loves preschool and I love that he asked if you were going to leave. :) That picture of him and Noah is darling and totally frame worthy. Happy preschooling, Hyrum! :)
Pam said...
Wish we could have been there for his first day, or to help be a distraction for Noah. Thanks for photo journaling the event. XOXO