It all started officially on a crazy Saturday in May. Sure we'd had practices, which were SUPER fun.  But Saturday the 12th of May was the first game. We walked to the field as the game was underway we felt like we'd taken a big delicious bite of American pie. He sat at the end of the line up, since he was the last one there at that point.

When he got up to bat we spread out with video camera and digital camera poised for his first at bat in a game. He stood poised in his stance and hit the ball to the sounds of the roaring crowds.

And took off for first base. As he approached first base the coach waved him on to second. He got to second and another waved him on to third. There was confusion in the infield and the ball was still in play. Off he ran for third and as he reached third was waved on for the homestretch.  Tensions were high as he set his eyes for home and with a determined stance made his way there as coaches ran along side him waving him in to the cheers of the adoring crowd. An infield home run in his first at bat!

Really, in tee ball they just run through the line up, everyone advancing one base a hit until the last player at bat who runs the bases to end the inning. No points are made and no one gets out...ever.  But it was soo fun! Everybody ran for the ball when it was hit and there were many times brawls for the ball in the middle of the field.

Kids were randomly picked up and placed in different places on the field from time to time while playing defense because they wandered out of position. Kids running to bases holding on to the batting helmet because it was too big and other kids tossing the bat like the big leaguers and threatening the lives of fellow team mates. We had a few unnecessary sliders as well which was fun.

Hyrum played first base that first game which was fun because that's the position that Derek had played in baseball when he was a kid.  They had a Father/son moment

Derek instructing Hyrum on the ins and outs of the position.

Not even sure why but this picture is so funny to me.

After the first game came the parade!  So fun!  All the kids pile into the back of a pick up truck and just drive the parade route in their hats and shirts waving and shouting or singing.

Hyrum's team ( the pirates of course) wore eye patches and sang "Yo Ho, Yo ho! A pirates life for me!" And screamed "Arrg!" throughout the parade route.

I ran to the start of the parade route to get pictures and video and then raced to the end to catch them there. They were still singing and yelling at the end. I could tell this was going to be a GREAT season!!

And it was!!

At every game kids understood the game better. At every game less brawls would happen for the ball and balls were actually thrown to where they would possibly get out...when that becomes a part of the game. Every game kids got better at hitting the ball and once Hyrum who is really a lefty when it comes to hitting the ball hit righty and actually made contact and hit it quite well. He just might be a switch hitter. :)

Derek was there to every game helping the coach whenever and where ever he was needed. Only once did he get in traffic and miss most of it but he was absolutely there every step of the way.  I love having such an involved husband. He sometimes came dressed in button down shirts but he was there. Father son moments are my favorite.  Half the time he'd have Noah on his shoulders too, since he can never be left out of anything.

Our family got wrapped up in baseball. If it had to do with baseball we were all over it. Hyrum even tried to teach his tiny brother the love of the game.

But he might have to get a little bigger to really appreciate it. :)

At then, at the end came the trophy. Shiny and heroically stanced.

I'm a tee ball mom! And I LOVE IT!!

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