Ahh... Michigan! The mere word brings lush landscapes, long sandy beaches, sparkling water of lazy dragonflyed rivers and crashing waves on the beach to mind. Michigan will always be home. It calls to me, beckons me and I long for it. But it is not only the land that I miss in this desert I've come to find myself, it's the faces that brighten to see me and and the arms that give me hugs. My family. I wish I could move back so that my children will have the childhood I loved. Family parties every month, growing up with your cousins as your best friends, knowing your aunts and uncles and grand aunts and uncles and second cousins etc. I know all of my family and most live nearby...in Michigan. But life has found me far from that, with no foreseeable change. Don't get me wrong I do love it here in Utah. I'd miss it too when I leave...if I ever do...but there is just something about Michigan.
I 'm always on the look out for opportunities to go home. But trying to save for a new house has strapped us pretty tight as we are cramped pretty tight in this apartment and the thought of having room to put an exersaucer in the living room without having to put it away in order to cross the room is inviting and motivating so I'd just looked at the pictures on my sister Holly's blog of the sights of Michigan through teary eyes.
Then came the call. A seed planted to go back to Michigan. There was a laundry list of reasons I wanted to go. It seemed the perfect time. I talked to Derek..."I think you should go" . We looked for tickets...Ouch! So expensive! I decided to not go. Then the next day we found tickets that were reasonable. I also found out that my cousin had had her baby. I bought the tickets and held my breath. Would this put us back months from buying a house? Then Derek told me he had been awarded "Employee of the Quarter" at work which came with a cash bonus just about what we'd need to pay for the ticket.
Then came the realization...I'd be flying with a two month old by myself. How would I do that? I researched on the internet and began to feel more confident. We kept my coming a surprise from my parents. So the day after the Super summer shindig off we went to Michigan.
Hyrum did beautifully! This is the way he took off on his first flight. Sucking on my pinky and holding on to my hand. He quickly fell asleep and slept then entire 3 hour flight. Then he woke up and charmed all of the passengers on the flight as we waited to exit the plane. Everyone was asking how his first flight was and complementing him. Everybody was so friendly and helpful. Thank heaven for nice people.
We took another flight (only about 45 min this time) and landed in Detroit where I hoped my aunt Linda or uncle Andre were waiting for us. He was and we started off for Grand Rapids where my Dad's retirement party was to shortly get underway. I was treated to the sights of beautiful Michigan on a side trip through the quaint towns of Westvallia and Saranac on our way. We got to the party as they were cleaning up. Hyrum was quickly whisked away and around the room as cousins and grandparents clamored to hold him. I got my very own personal showing of Ethan Jillie and Reagan's version of "Surfin' USA" and the reality that I was really in Michigan slowly began to sink in for everybody.
The next day found us at the beach. A place I hadn't been for 5 years. I saw my cousins, aunts and uncles. We caught up on lives and happenings promising that next time it won't have been as long between get togethers and ideas of fabulous future family reunions began brewing. It was Hyrum's first time to the beach so documenting was in order.
He wasn't real sure about the sand. I don't think liked the fact that his feet seemed to sink in this strange substance. He was much more happy with his feet on the wet sand of the shore.
Until the waves came and water hit his feet. Then he wasn't so happy anymore.
There is just something about the beach that makes you feel like a kid again, relaxes you and makes you feel that everything is right in the world. The sound of the waves and children playing drowns out the sound of all your cares or helps you put things in perspective. And there is nothing like a sunset over Lake Michigan to make you miss your husband. Luckily we didn't see one this trip.
While I was in Michigan I noticed that I didn't often have Hyrum in my arms. It seemed there was always a surrogate mommy watching over him. It was so nice to know he was always in capable hands or in the arms of an adoring cousin. One of the MAJOR reasons for this trip was for Hy to get to know his family and he absolutely knows their touch now if not their faces. Here is a slide show of Hyrum's many mommy's.
The next day, Sunday, we were all in church together and then went back to my parents house for a family dinner. He met more Grand aunts and second cousins and his Great grandparents who were especially eager to meet their newest great grandson.
He was glad to meet them too!
The rest of the time there was somewhat of a blur of friends and family beaches and hamburgers. We went to the botanical garden where Derek and I had our reception. So many good memories. I was determined that Hyrum was going to get into the waters of Michigan and bought him a swim diaper. On Tuesday we were at the beach again and he had his first dip in the water swimsuit and all. He seemed to like it much better this time. I can only imagine what he would have thought of it after a week of going to the beach everyday.
Then on Wednesday my last full day in Michigan my sisters and I woke up early in the morning after talking and looking at pictures until the wee hours of the morning and went blueberry picking. We left the kids sleeping at home (except for a Jaleigh tag along) and headed out to Hyatt Blueberry farms. We got there and were greeted by a sign saying something to the affect of "We're not here right now. Pick your blueberries and put your money in the coffee can. It's the honor system" Where else can you be assured that people will pay you using the honor system than in small town USA. There's still alot of that in Michigan. As we picked blueberries and talked memories of picking strawberries, blueberries, cherries, peaches and raspberries with members of my family flooded my mind. We always hated that we had to get up so early to get out to the farm before it got to hot but those memories are some of the sweetest I have of my childhood and I miss doing it. My grandmother talking to the strawberry farmer about his children because she knew the family ( or was it that she'd been to Krupps for so many years). My Grandma Nellie running beside the flat bed trailer "to get the blood pumping" on the way out to the cherry trees that we were going to pick from. Picking blueberries with my grandma Streeter and her Aunt Byrdie as I listened to them tell family stories. Picking fruit in the fields is not only much cheaper than buying them at the store ( the blueberries I picked were $1 a
pound...yeah) but much more important things can be had there, memories with family, a stomach ache from eating too much fruit in the field, and an appreciation for nature and a connection to the earth. My sisters and I determined to have sister vacations together when we are not as much in demand at home. I can't wait!
Later that day I went to see my cousin Jeannie and her 2 week old daughter. She and I had emailed consistently during our pregnancies. We got pregnant with our first children within months of each other and we compared notes on our pregnancies and basically just shared the experience together. I was very excited to see her and her new baby. Now we have a brand new bunch of experiences to share. And advice to solicit.
The trip home wasn't as flawless as the way out. Grandpa Wadsworth got Hyrum a little Michigan outfit to remember his trip and it's a good thing because he had a blow out on the first flight and needed to use it. I only wish I'd gotten one for myself too. I changed his diaper on my lap in the scrunched plane bathroom. It was an experience. The second flight he wasn't making any friends and I ended up walking the aisle with him to calm him. We were both very glad to see Daddy. It was a perfect trip but good to be home!