The events of the last couple of weeks have provided opportunities to reconnect with old friends and I was reminded again how fun it is to get together and reminisce. In the busyness of life I'm finding it more and more important to try and take time and remember all of the experiences, good and bad, that defines who I am.
So, at the risk of incurring the wrath of some of you who are pictured below for publicly releasing these photos, here is an eclectic assortment of pictures from the last 12 years or so. If nothing else, I hope it gives you a little chuckle as you see what we used to look like.
Josh Wheeler, Aaron Lee & myself at Hillcrest High School Graduation - May 25, 1995
The Wheelers (minus Joradan & Josh) the night before I left on my mission - May 12, 1998
At the airport before heading off to Germany - June 20, 1998
The Wellers at the airport sending me off- June 20, 1998
Andrea and I in the MTC - June 1998
District Passau - August 1998
Got Faith? I Am a Mormon. What more needs to be said? - March 2000
Eric as Darth Maul - Halloween 1999 (?)
Rockefeller Center in New York, NY - December 2000
Jennie Austin (Preece) & Dianna Douglas 9 1/2 Months before 9/11/01 - December 2000
Hiking up to Timpanogas caves in American Fork Canyon - June 2001
The best team the Religion Department at BYU has ever known :-) - May 2005
Our "Tangrenite" family at Martin's Cove. ROCK ROCK ON! - June 2004
Natalie's reception in IF showing off her new husband - July 1, 2006
Some of the Wheeler girls- July 1, 2006
Dan Adams (Our Stake Patriarch) and I teach the Young Women in our ward about "Black Magic" - August 2006
"A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity" - Proverbs 17:17
September 15, 2007