We interrupt this highlight reel to announce that history has been made. At around 12:00 EST Barack Obama was made the first African American president of the United States of America AND at around 5:00 MST Derek and Sunny Tangren became FIRST TIME homeowners!!!!
Pictures to follow...promise!
Pictures to follow...promise!
Nikki said...
A truly historic day!
Pam said...
Congrats to the new homeowners. You will learn so much.. :) It's like you just got a new member of the family since it will require so much of your attention. Happy day!!!
Brei said...
You guys are sneaky! So when's the house open for cousin's night? :) Congratulations! We can't wait to see it!
Harrisons said...
Yeah!!! I think that is so cool that you got to sign on such a historic day for America. (p.s. Sandi used to be blonde ;)
Binne77 said...
Congratulations. I can't wait to see your new home!!! :-)
Sunny said...
Yeah. She just changed her hair color over the holidays. We've been doing this whole purchase around holidays! Christmas, New years, MLK jr day, Presidential Inauguration...It's just momentous! :) We get possession tomorrow!!!
Jeannie said...
Yea!!!!!!! For both! Congrats! How fun this must be!
Wendy said...
I hope that many wonderful memories and experiences happen in your home.
Jenn J. said...
Congratulations!! (To both you guys, and Obama.) :) What a great day. I'm so excited for you guys, and can't wait to see the place!
Josh said...
Oh man...congrats, and good luck with the madness that is home ownership. I actually think raising kids is easier than being a home owner.