Drum roll please....
This is the house. I LOVE the front porch!!
This is what you see when you walk in the front door.
The hallway to the left as you walk in the front door. Peachy huh?
The first door down the hall. The purple bedroom...not sure if we'll need it that color.
The last door on the left. HY'S ROOM!! ( It's light blue...and I really like the color)
The bathroom at the end of the hall. I like the tiles. Derek's not a fan. Am I crazy?
The master bedroom down the hall and to the right. We've got a master bathroom ( about the same size as the hall bathroom) and a small walk in closet on the left hand side :).
The kitchen.
The very unfinished basement. Nice that they left us a picture. :)
The garage... They also left us a speed limit sign. Interesting. Yeah we're going to ask the police to come get it.
So this is the end of our tour. Back to the front door.
There you have it.
It's crazy what you notice when the previous owners (and their things) are no longer in the house. Like how much precision painting was done.
All the trim is painted like this...
In fact all of the baseboards were painted the same way.
All of the doors were painted with the same precision. Sometimes with the paint on the outside...
Sometimes with paint on the inside (that's the light blue paint on the inside)
They also did some interesting painting with the vaulted ceiling. That's the wall that spans the living room to the kitchen. Where the half wall (with the arch in it) connects with that wall they changed the paint.
This is under the arch on the dividing wall...
Apparently that is where this wall becomes a part of the kitchen.
We are not that precise in our painting. These features of the house will not remain.
Another thing about the house is that the previous owners really liked shiny gold.
We are not as big of fans. These will probably change slowly over time.
And can anyone help me out with this?
This is right outside our back sliding door on the side of the house. At first I thought they were making a dog run. But they didn't have a dog and they had poured concrete under it. Any ideas?
But I can't wait to see what happens with these...
They are fruit trees!!! Two pears, one peach and a cherry!! I have a lot of studying to do!!
There you have it.
It's crazy what you notice when the previous owners (and their things) are no longer in the house. Like how much precision painting was done.
All the trim is painted like this...
They also did some interesting painting with the vaulted ceiling. That's the wall that spans the living room to the kitchen. Where the half wall (with the arch in it) connects with that wall they changed the paint.
Another thing about the house is that the previous owners really liked shiny gold.
We are not as big of fans. These will probably change slowly over time.
And can anyone help me out with this?
But I can't wait to see what happens with these...
Natalie said...
Congrats on the new house! That is HUGE!
Nikki said...
PAINT!PAINT!PAINT! Wow! White out all the trim and doors. You may need to put primer on first. Paint the living room and back wall of the kitchen the same color- those peach and yellow lines are crazy!
You could easily spray paint that dining room light fixture silver or black. I see what you mean about the light over the sink. A pandant would look better. Might as well make the extra bedroom more neutral. Do you have blinds on the windows or just all of these bedsheet looking drapes?
Go pick out what clothes will be covered in paint soon. You'll be living in them for a while. :) Wish we were there!!!!!
Autumn said...
Autumn said...
Blah! I hate how you can't edit your comment...sorry about the deleted comment...but it would have driven me nuts.
The house is adorable! Is it in Orem?
Are those poles in the back clothes lines maybe? Interesting. We had lots of fun stuff to figure out when we bought and moved into our house.
I love to paint so if you need any help, let me know. :)
The Dalton's said...
YEA!!! Congratulations on the new house, that is very VERY exciting. I was thinking maybe those poles are for a clothesline...I dunno. But YEA!!
Brei said...
Holy cow you guys! That's a great house! And I'm jealous about the trees. Maybe those pole things could be used for a clothesline. Let us know when you're painting-I love to paint and would love to come help you out!
Globe Trotters said...
Hooray congrats! What a great new house- how exciting! I am sure Hyrum is so excited to have such a big backyard to explore. Maybe the poles are for a mini-volleyball net, or two teatherball games- 4 can play at one time, or clothesline....
Harrisons said...
I am so excited to see it after you make it all your own. I know it will look great! Very exciting!!! I also agree that the poles are probably a clothes line. My opinion is that the bathroom tile is going to be all about the decorating around it. Decorate it to tie that in and Derek will soon love it too. And yes, a front porch was big on my list so I only have one thing to say about that -- rockingchairs.com! Have fun!!
Jenn J. said...
I love the house. It's going to be the perfect place for your cute family. Wowee, that paint job though... you have your work cut out for you on that one! I know it'll be perfect when you get done with it. I can't wait to come see it. Let us know if you need help moving in or you know, painting.
Oh, and ps. my thoughts on the poles at first was a clothesline too, but why concrete under a clothesline? So maybe not. But I also had the thought that you guys should just make it into two tetherball poles. I can just see all the Saturday afternoon Tangren tournaments in the future. Hyrum vs. Little Joe... It would be like Napolean Dynomite, only better. Ok, I've gone on long enough.
Kendall and Melissa said...
How fun!! I'm so excited for you guys! So when are you actually going to be living there? We need a new address for you. I'm totally jealous of the pantry in your kitchen. It looks like a nice size. I like your porch too. Are you sure you don't want to keep all the paint? haha. That was a TON of work for someone. Are you going to pain before you move in, or are you too anxious to get out of the apartment? I know how that one goes for sure! And now you have an entire basement for storing all that baby stuff! Conrats again you two!! I want to know where it is so that we can come and visit when we come out this summer!
Laurie said...
What a great home for you! We are thrilled that you finally have a HoMe and space indoors and outdoors for Hyrum and a garden - it's beautiful, CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!!
Unknown said...
Ech...someone had way too much fun with the paint colors/trimming out in your new house! I don't blame you for doing all of that first. Peach, lilac, bleh. I've never seen anyone paint trim and doors that way. The sellers are lucky the buyers could see past that pastel horror. I'm so happy for you. The house is gorgeous, and your kitchen is huge!!! I'm envious of all that counterspace and cupboards. Did I see a dishwasher there? *sigh* Happy happy happy times.
Unknown said...
I love the bathroom's blue tiles as well. My guess is that Derek doesn't like them b/c they clash with the oak sink cabinet. Bleh. I vote changing the bathroom furniture to WHITE and you can have a cougar bathroom. IKEA has great stuff for bathrooms.
Carlie said...
Wow- the house looks awesome and it looks like Derek is going to need to put his artistic abilities to work very soon! Good thing paint is cheap! Congrats! The first home is pretty exciting! Now you just need more cute babies to fill your home! Hee Hee!
ArringtonZoo said...
Sunny, what a great house! Weird paint choices! It makes me very curious what their decorating style was. New paint can do wonders though. You'll have to post pics again when you've made your changes. Just so you know, if you don't want to spend a lot on light fixtures, you could always faux finish them. I've done it before. And my mom has done some really beautiful ones. In fact, there is a spray paint you can buy that gives a textured look, it's called hammered copper or something. But it's brownish not copper color. I've done it to all of our downstairs lights that we got for free from James' sister. They were brass. You can come and see them if you want. I don't think it would work for door knobs whereas they will be used a great deal. Congrats! It's a lovely house.
ArringtonZoo said...
p.s. total potential with the bathroom tiles. I like them.
Binne77 said...
Congratulations Sunny and Derek. The house is cute! :-) I love that the basement is so unfinished! What a great opportunity for you to create. :-) I was intersted to see the paint choices of the previous owners...lol. Have fun!!