This park is like the best city zoo you can think of on steroids. :) One day we got there before my sister and her family so we just wandered around and found all these amazing little byways leading to random animals. Hyrum just ran from one to the next. Not only that but everything is just so LUSH, GREEN and BEAUTIFUL everywhere you look.
The park is divided, as most of them are, into little areas. The Oasis ( where we found all of the fun byways), Camp Minnie-Mickey, Discovery Island, Africa, Asia and Dinoland USA. Probably our favorite show at Disney World was at Animal Kingdom...Festival of the Lion King! Here's a little taste of it.
We also had fun waiting for the show to begin...
That was one of the strangest things. Walking around in shorts and a tee shirt surrounded in a Disney themed fantasy land and hearing Christmas music. It was so easy to forget that it was close to Christmas at all even with everything decorated for Christmas. But it was great because I got to feel like I was with my family for Christmas which will be harder and harder to do as the years go by.
Speaking of seeing family. It was at this park that we saw my sister Nikki's family and were all together for the first time of the trip. I kind of cheated and went on a ride not recommended for pregnant women. Kilimanjaro Safari's. I wore a chunky hoodie in an attempt to hide my enhanced figure. It was cool in the morning so it wasn't so obvious. But I wasn't about to miss the first ride that we were going to do all together.
I was a little nervous but was more excited. Hyrum was so excited to go on a safari. I don't know that he had any idea what a safari was minus playing a safari game on the Lion King DVD we have but he was excited nonetheless.
Another day we took the Wildlife Express Train to Rafiki's Planet Watch. It was a much more leisurely ride ( especially for an "express" ) and no bumps or jerks. I'd learned my lesson.
Hyrum LOVED playing with his cousins. They played with him and chased him and pushed him in the stroller which was really nice for me.
I have to say that I was impressed with myself that I did so well at Disney world. Besides a stitch in my side when running ( yes running)because I couldn't get a full breath ever and the back pain from my small rebellion of the rules I didn't even get very tired. ( Minus the day that we got back to the hotel at midnight and left the next day around 7:30 of course)
While we were at Rafiki's Planet Watch we got to see some characters. I asked to be in the pictures so we could show the little one to come (who to this day remains nameless- we gotta get on that) that he was there too. First up was Mr. Jiminy Cricket.
Then we met the man himself...Rafiki. By this time Hyrum was pretty much done with taking pictures with characters and didn't know who this furry beast was. I'm arching my back in the picture to keep him upright. Unfortunately for me he doesn't look like he's struggling in the picture so I just look like I'm trying to accentuate the positive...lovely.
When we were in the Africa section of Animal Kingdom waiting in line to get Cinnamon glazed almonds and pecans ( which I craved for weeks after) an African band began to play across the street. After we got our goods ( that were no cost to us because of the meal plan cha ching!!) we went across the street to watch and listen. Apparently these musicians were not content just to be watched and wanted some participation. They pulled people out of the crowd to dance with them. My sister Holly and Derek were asked to join them...but not me, even though I was dancing in the crowd. They must not want to expose everyone to a dancing pregnant woman. And really, who can blame them?
( My sister is in black capris and a grey shirt and Derek is in the green shirt just to the left of her)
They later had a group of girls come out and dance together. Then they had the boys come out and dance. Derek really got a chance to show his stuff.
I'm telling you, my man has GOT IT!!! I love that guy!
Under the Tree of Life on Discovery Island is the "It's tough to be a bug" show. We'd seen it at Disneyland and we'd heard that it was the same but decided to go with my brother in law who hadn't seen it yet. We were so glad that we did because as you wind around the tree to go to the theater you get to see the Tree of Life up close and get to see the detail. It's amazing. There are animals "carved" into the trunk and branches of the tree. The artistry is amazing. Sadly I didn't get any pictures of them so you'll just have to go and see them yourselves. :) But I did get a picture of all of us minus me of course in our bug vision glasses.
I'm really surprised that this picture turned out as good as it did because I couldn't see a thing when I took it.
While the big kids and the brave and able adults were off doing Expedition Everest and Kali River Rapids, me and the little kids spent our time in the Bone yard of Dinoland USA. This was Hyrum's FAVORITE thing about Animal Kingdom. It was just this big fenced in maze of stairs slides and bridges on one side and a sand pit on the other side where kids could "discover" some dinosaur bones (or fill their shirts and ears with gravely sand). Hyrum would just get out of the stroller and run in to the boneyard with or without me.
I should have more pictures of this place since Hyrum loved it so much but I really don't have too many. One time we were there, my sister Nikki and I were up on a bridge watching our boys run around together. I saw Hyrum looking for the bridge to the sand pit. I decided to head towards him to show him the way while my sister went to get her son. I got to where I thought he was headed and I couldn't find him. I started to look everywhere and still couldn't find him. Then I saw my sister leave with my nephew and started to panic a little thinking of him running off alone to go into the Boneyard I was afraid that he'd run out of the Boneyard too. I was frantic as I looked for him for probably 5 minutes. That doesn't sound too long but when you are a parent who doesn't know where your child is, it seems like an eternity. Finally I saw him climbing up some stairs and probably scared him when I ran up behind him scooped him up and held him and kissed him. I'm sure he didn't consider himself lost at all. We then went over to the sand pit together. I wasn't letting him out of my sight again.
I love this kid!
One of the funniest things about Disney World is that although you rarely have to wait in line for the bathroom even in the ladies room which is a feat I assure you but I did wait in line numerous times for the diaper change table. I shutter to think of what it would be like if Disney World was in Utah. :)
One unique things you may or may not find in Animal Kingdom is DiVine. We saw her once and while it was cool, it was a little freaky too.
I succumbed to my childhood desires and got myself the expensive fun shaped ice cream bars that my parents were never so foolish to buy when I was growing up. They are ridiculously priced but since I was on the meal plan it was included which means FREE!!
Kyle and Amy Brinkerhoff said...
I have to say that when you are pregnant, you don't look pregnant. You look great in those pictures.
Nikki said...
I had no idea about DiVine. I wasn't even sure what I was looking at in your picture until I googled DiVine at Animal Kingdom. Very cool. Can't believe I missed that.
Derek's dancing is hilarious ;) Too fun.
I didn't know your back hurt from the Safari. That's no good. Glad it was temporary.
I concur with your previous comment- you don't look pregnant when you are pregnant!
BTW, Decide on a name!!!!!!!!! :)
Pam said...
Opps! I keep commenting on the wrong post.:( You confuse me, Sunny-but that's hard to do! I was surprised with the dancing Derek. When did he get all that rhythm? It is fun to watch Hyrum discover Disney. Don't think for a minute little "Mr No Name" is gonna buy it that he has already been to DisneyWorld so he doesn't need to go again. Start saving...