On New Years day Derek and Hyrum took the sleds to the local park to ride them. Noah wasn't feeling the best ( he didn't manage to escape the swirling sickness after all) so he and I stayed home. Derek didn't take the camera so we have no pictorial documentation of that trip. I did hear something about Hyrum riding solo down the "bunny hill" a few times then wanting to take the jump on the big hill by himself. (The big hill at the park has a sidewalk half way up making a permanent jump that you can get some pretty good air off of) There were tears that followed and hugs but ultimately more sledding but not on the big hill with the jump.
Yesterday it was a warmer day and Noah was feeling better ( and Hyrum was going crazy waiting for dad to come home so he could play the Wii ) so we decided to go outside and sled in our back yard. Our backyard currently slopes in two different directions. We hope to have a retaining wall put in this year so I figured if we were ever going to sled in the backyard now was the time to do it.
Then Hyrum wanted to take Noah down ( I'd already taken him down once ) so I got him on the sled and gave them a little pull and hustled to get the camera on to capture it
I wanted to get video of the entire ride so I got them situated and ran down to capture it all.
I had no idea how difficult the taking off concept can be...this is why I need Derek there to help with logistics. They had a great time. We have to get a lot of sledding in before the hill disappears.
Laurie said...
So cute! Having never raised kids in snow country I can't relate to the "taking off the wet clothes" part, but you might ask Rachele what she did to entertain all the little 2-year olds she took care of in a day care in Wisconsin during winters - I thought she had a unique idea!