This last Sunday Hyrum gave his first talk in Primary.
Seriously can't believe he's that old already.
I asked him to fill in with a scripture a couple of weeks ago in Primary spur of the moment and he did pretty good but with a little preparation and Dad by his side I think he did GREAT!!
It was funny because all of the kids doing things in Primary that day had newbie parents (meaning this was the first time for their first born). We were all nervous and excited. I couldn't contain myself and had to video it. In part because Derek's mom wanted to come down to see it and couldn't. I thought to late that I should have taped everyone and emailed it to all the parents.
Without further ado...the talk
SOOOO... the file is too big. We'll have to make do with a picture.
And here's the text...
Heavenly Father has a plan for me
I lived in heaven before I came to earth
I got a body
I can learn about Jesus
I learn what's good and bad
I can have a family
If I am good I can live with Jesus and Heavenly Father and be with my family
In the name of Jesus Christ amen (Hyrum likes to add another amen at the end...just in case you don' t know the program. )
I wanted it to be his words as much as possible so we had a family home evening about Heavenly Father's plan for us and then asked him questions. When I asked him where he lived before he came to earth he first said "South America". Interesting. No idea where that came from.
but I guess he does speak Spanish
and German for that matter
We love Hyrum and can't stand it that he's getting so big.
Dave said...
So... When do we get the video version? And how?
Wish we could have been there for the momenteous occasion. Thank goodness for technology, at least we get some sense of his history from time to time.
Kyle and Amy Brinkerhoff said...
I can't believe how grown up he is. I can't believe that will be Addy soon.