Our last day of Mommy neighborhood preschool was May 19th. It was a bitter sweet thing. Sweet because I won't have to worry about preparing lessons at least once a month. Bitter because it was really fun and Hyrum learned so much and really enjoyed going.
The mom who had the last day put together a little and very simple graduation ceremony. I used to scoff at things like this. I didn't understand why they would do a graduation ceremony for PRESCHOOL. Hello people...not that big of an accomplishment. I've changed my mind.
I thought it was GREAT!! They were each given a little paper mortarboard and a paper certificate of completion with their hand prints on it. We sang the graduation song as we took pictures. Well except for Hyrum who sang the Superman theme song. That's my boy!
On the way home I heard Hyrum say quietly "I'm so proud of myself" So am I, buddy!
I didn't think to bring my camera so we took pictures when we got home...by the front door, where it all started.
I felt like I graduated too. I was proud of myself for sticking with it the whole way through and continue to make a consistent effort straight through. Some of my lessons were received better than others but it was a fun to learn right along with the kids how to teach them more effectively. It also gave me much more appreciation for teachers in general. Teachers, you have my respect!!
I wish I'd taken more pictures of the things we did in preschool. We did a lot of fun things. What I do have are most of the name tags we used on our preschool tree.
Most every time I taught preschool I'd make new name tags that would coordinate withe the month or a holiday. When they'd get to school they would find their tag and put it on the tree and when they left they'd put it in the basket at the bottom. It was a fun way to feel part of a group and know who wasn't there that day. It was also an opportunity to note the changing seasons by what was on the tree. This is a sampling of what the tags looked like through the year.
We both feel a sense of accomplishment! It was fun to do this together. YEA US!