I've never really felt old. I knew that being 35 brought more risks to pregnancy but never considered myself high risk or old. That is until my 34 week appointment. My doctor came in and said "Good blood pressure, good measurement, good weight, good heartbeat, he's head down ready to go...you make my job so easy." Then after some chit chat about varicose veins and heartburn she says " So since you're 35 there are more risks so I would recommend an ultrasound to check for low fluid and take non stress tests to make sure the baby is happy."
What? Didn't you JUST say that everything was GOOD?
She even told me that when I went in for the nonstress tests to tell them it was because I was 35. Dying to do that, let me tell you.
I was not nearly as opposed to the ultrasound. Don't mind getting another glance at little man. When we did the ultrasound we found as I suspected that there was plenty of fluid around little man. So much so that he's still flipping around and found himself breech. One thing we've discovered about this one is that he's an acrobat. And he loves to move.
Do you see his little toes in front of his face? Granted he is 36 weeks and pretty scrunched in there by now but as you recall this was his stance in the 20 week ultrasound. I love those cheeks. I can't wait to kiss them.
Then today I went to do the non stress test. I'd repented of my attitude when he wasn't moving as much and was breech. I really wanted to make sure he was fine in there. After some run around on the phone I just went to the hospital to take my chances that there was a place for me to chill for a half an hour. I went into labor and delivery and told them I needed a nonstress test because of old age. They led me into a triage room and got me hooked up to the monitors. Before going into the room I saw the doctor who delivered Hyrum on call waiting to deliver babies. She asked all kinds of questions about my pregnancy and just about the time I was feeling bad for wasting their time she told me that it would only be a few more minutes and left the room. I sat there listening to little man's heart beat drum on and tried not to fall asleep. Being in that triage room with the sights sounds and smells brought back all kinds of memories of when Hyrum was born. I skipped triage with Noah. You never really think labor is too exciting in the moment but thinking back on that made me get so excited to be in the hospital having our new little man. I almost couldn't wait. The nurse came in and had a little device in her hands. She put it on my belly and it buzzed and shook my apparently sleeping child. He jumped startled inside which struck me as so funny because it was so baby like and I could picture him startling in there. She then asked me to drink some orange juice and then a few minutes later I was done. She promised next time it wouldn't take as long and said " See you next week"
All in all not so bad. Even if it's because I'm old. Oh and the nurse said "35 is not THAT old" when I told her why I was there. That made me feel better even though she's not going to say anything else. :)
* Went to the doctor on Wed Mar 28th and the baby has flipped again and is head down. I'm dilated to a two and have lost two pounds. My doctor said because his position seems unstable if I start having contractions or my water breaks that I need to go in right away to check that he's in the head down position still. But he seems to me to be much more likely to stay where he is. I hope he'll stay put long enough to convince my doctor of that, but we shall see. *
* This last nonstress test today took and hour and a half when it was suppose to only take 20 minutes this time!! And he was active the whole time. Another nurse seemed incredulous that I was there too at 35. Totally felt like I was wasting their time. Don't know if I'll do another one unless he starts not moving as much. *