On Sunday the hospital called to confirm our induction on Monday. I told her that we'd had an inversion scheduled for Monday if he was still head up but that he'd turned so we had an induction date for the 19th. She told me that it had been canceled since they had scheduled the other date. I asked her to change it back so I could have all of my ducks in a row. It wasn't until Wednesday night that I began to worry that I'd been moved to the back of the list.
But when they called they told us that we were first on the list for induction but that we'd be called in the morning as early as six and would be given an hour to come in. So we'd need to be ready at 6 but we wouldn't be necessarily on our way to the hospital then. When I put the boys to bed I fell asleep on the floor. I dared to hope that I'd actually get some sleep before having this one. But when we finally headed for bed around 11 I didn't fall asleep for a long while and woke up before the alarm clock went off at 5:30. So much for a full nights rest. 6 o'clock came and went without a phone call. Around 7:30 Hyrum wandered into our room and asked rubbing his eyes." Where's the new baby?" I told him that he was still in Momma's belly but we might be going to the hospital before too long. Then Noah wandered in behind him. I was hoping that we'd have left before he'd woken up to reduce trauma. Throughout the morning he was really huggy and it made me worried how things would go when I had to leave. But when the hospital called at 8 and we got ready to go he was fine. Derek told him that we were going to have the baby and he just said "Bye!"
We left for the hospital with memories of Noah's induction, passing three hospitals on our way to American Fork Hospital our home away from home for a couple of days. On the way, due I'm sure in no small part to lack of sleep and pregnancy hormones, Derek got me laughing and I COULD NOT STOP. The ugly, tear streaming, strange noise making, not sure if I'm crying or laughing kind of laugh attack. For seriously10 minutes solid, at least. Most of the way to the hospital I was laughing. Derek wanted to get video of me but I was really glad he was driving so he couldn't. It was all about portable stirrups. We know a labor and delivery nurse at American Fork hospital and Derek was saying that if he knew she'd answer the phone on the labor and delivery floor that he'd say that we had a crowning baby and cause a stir. Saying that they'd probably come running with portable stirrups and try to deliver me by the elevator. It's not really all that funny now but I was DYING in the car and every time I thought about it after during labor.
We got into the room around 8:45.
And got the IV placed around 9. I was sure to have some kind of breakfast this morning remembering my fainting spell last time after not having had anything but despite my added nourishment I got light headed and was on my way to pass out after the IV was in. After I was a little more coherent the nurse looked at the monitor and asked. "Are you feeling that contraction?" I asked "I'm having a contraction?" After she left me with my millions of papers to sign I started to notice that I was in fact having contractions. More or less 6 minutes apart. So chances are if I hadn't been called in I would have been in the hospital today anyway. Around 10 they brought in the pitocin and antibiotics. Ironically I felt the contractions less once they put me on the pit. At 10:30 my doctor broke my water and they upped my pitocin level. I definitely started feeling them more after that. By 11;30 they were getting pretty strong, so I decided to get an epidural for lunch. It was moving much faster than with Noah. I figure it was because I'd probably had started into labor on my own before they started me.
(Derek's view from our room. I was facing the opposite way and could see the roofs of buildings...not as pretty)
I don' t know why but for some reason, once they gave me the epidural I hit the wall with tiredness and just tried to sleep for two hours. Then the nurse came in around 2 and discovered we were ready to go. So she called my doctor who was just finishing up with a patient and got everything ready.
We watched her walk across the parking lot from the office to come deliver little Eli. A few minutes later he was here.
7lbs 10 oz
19 inches
born at 2:26 pm
April 19, 2012
A little about his name. We've typically named our boys with a biblical name and family name. Elijah we just liked which fufilled our biblical name then we tossed a few family names around like Henry, James, and Rex. But in my searching I decided to look for a name that referenced light. The only one that I found even worth considering was Luke or Lucas. Lucas means "Light , illumination" And "Luke" means "light giver". I quickly dismissed it because there wasn't Luke's or Lucases in the family and of course there was the not so subtle link to Star Wars. But the more I thought about it the more I liked it. I was bugged that it wasn't a family name until I thought "Well maybe we could just say he was named after me "Sunny" Then today it started off rainy and dreary and by the time he got here it had cleared up and was quite sunny and bright. He sort of brought the light. :)
Just some pictures of our cute little man.
We forgot to ask one of the three nurses in the room when we delivered to take a picture of us so we tried it on our own...not great but it will do.
We love him already.