Hyrum is now 19 days old and he is just growing like a little weed. He had a little jaundice and so we had to have him on a little bilirubin blanket that helped his little body break down the extra bilirubin in his blood until his liver could catch up. When we would turn out the lights to go to bed he would look like a little blue glowworm.
One of the favorite things that he likes to do right now is to pee on his dad. He likes to lull Derek into a false sense of security and then unleash his automatic sprinkling system all over himself and his dad. The funny thing is that he only really likes to do that to dad.
He's up to 8 lbs. 2 oz. as of today and gaining more than one ounce a day. It's amazing at how fast he changes. He's getting really good at holding up his head during tummy time. He's trying to roll over already, but that is usually when he is really mad about something.
He still loves to sleep and just keeps getting cuter every day.
Jeff VanDrimmelen said...
Love the pics... especially the third and fourth pic! As for Hyrum's special 'talent' I still remember the first time Joseph peed on me. So far we have been lucky with Spencer... but I know that luck will run out one day! :-)
Holly said...
YEA!! I am so glad to see more pictures of Hyrum. He is such a peanut. Come see us soon! :)
Jeannie said...
A Super Cutie! Can't wait to see him in person some day!
Nikki said...
Hey! i didn't know you guys had a blog! Glad I found it, :) He is such a cute baby- can I babysit?
the mighty guin said...
What a cutie! Keep posting - he looks great. (And watch your mailbox!)
(from a certain unnamed cousin down in Texas who likes penguins and her fuzzy blue knitted scarf)