I'm really not a list person. Except for questions for the doctor or lists for the grocery store I almost never make them and even then I usually don't need them. But the weeks before Christmas I found myself drowning. I'd lie in bed at night thinking of all of the things that I had to remember to do to to keep everything running. I really felt like the surface of the water (having everything done) was so far above me. I couldn't sleep until I wrote them down. With Derek being sick I knew everything depended on me. So I made lists and I kept them on me or within easy reach at all times. I wrote EVERYTHING on them and a lot of the time I wrote out every detail so I could mark off every step( ie write the christmas letter, put the letter in the envelope, address the envelope, put a stamp on the envelope put the cards in the mail). It made me feel like I was accomplishing things. Sometimes I would even write things down that I hadn't intended to do after I did them just to feel like it wasn't wasted time. The pictured list above is one of the first of many lists. I still have the urge to cross out the things I haven't marked off yet. :) So how do YOU all survive the chaos of Christmas?

This entry was posted on Saturday, December 15, 2007 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    Nikki said...

    Ditto- although I have running lists year round- just a much bigger one on December (which has to be kept in a safe and secure place so no one sees what they are getting for Christmas!)
    Lists are my life blood- the survival of our family really. You'll see- have another kid or move and look out- list city! :)

  1. ... on December 30, 2007 at 7:46 PM  
  2. Holly said...

    I love lists, Nathan loves lists, and my kids love lists! Every time I ask the kids to do something, they say, "Um- could you put that on a list for me?" There is something satisfying about crossing things off. If Nathan and I are working off the same list and he crosses off something I did... Oh you better watch out!! :) Keep it up! Can I put something on your list for you?

    - Make denim quilt...spring is just around the corner and you'll be glad you have it! (I'm just lucky I didn't have to make ours!)

  3. ... on December 30, 2007 at 8:42 PM  
  4. Sunny said...

    First I need a rotary cutter and a cutting pad so I can do it fast and then I'll do it. I'm planning to make it queen size so I have a lot of work to do.

  5. ... on December 30, 2007 at 9:00 PM