So things have changed here in the Tangren house. We've added a very cute but demanding little boy. We were so on top of things with Hyrum. Derek had changed the salutation on our voice mail to include Hyrum hours after he was born, had a log of all of his inputs and outputs from practically the first ones, had bought flowers for all three mothers in his life the day after we had Hyrum and had done a blog post about it before we left the hospital. This time around we feel a bit scattered yet. Thus we're just getting to a blog post now.
On Thursday I'd decided to end my self imposed bedrest but was too tired to really get out there and do much. Then on Friday I woke up feeling great with a ton of energy. That didn't bode well. But I made the best use of my energy and cleaned like MAD and got my sisters birthday present in the mail. By the end of the day I began to think...well maybe this is the nesting before labor. My in laws got here and the day went by without hearing from my doctor of when I needed to be at the hospital to be induced. It had been snowing all day and that had been sending all kinds of women in to labor...EXCEPT ME so she had been too busy all day to call. I ended up calling the hospital and they told me to be there at 7:00. That meant waking up at 5:30 to be showered and ready for the half an hour drive to the hospital. I was glad that this time I'd have a good nights rest before the big day. When the time came I could not sleep! UHG! So I probably got two hours at most. It was snowing as we headed off into the night. We got there and got into the gown and waited for the nurse to get things going.
The nurse came in a little later saying that she'd been attending to another mom who'd gotten into the hospital around 6 and had the baby at 6:15. That was the story of the day. Babies, Babies, Babies. Everyone seemed to be delivering at once and many of them premature. The NICU was to capacity and they had some of the older premies in the normal nursery. I hadn't eaten anything that morning afraid of heartburn but when the nurse went to put in my IV I just about passed out. I forgot that I'm a fainter and don't do well with needles or blood.
At about 8:15 they started the pitocin and we waited for things to get started as I closed my eyes and tried to sleep now suddenly tired. The first time the nurse came in to check on me she asked if I was feeling the contractions and I didn't even know that I was having any so they bumped up the pitocin. The next time she checked I was feeling them but still able to laugh through them so she bumped it up again. By noon they were pretty intense so I called for an epidural that they had been offering even before I could feel anything. The nurse anesthetist walked in as if he had a cape on! Honestly what other job requires so little risk to be looked at as a hero every day of your life. He of course gave me the speel about all the risks as he should but really who in that moment is going to say "Humm I may loose all sensation from the waist down or I might get a headache, maybe I shouldn't." Sure there are real risks and they should be considered but anyone in that moment is probably not going to consider them too carefully. The time to consider those risks is before you are in pain. :) He did a great job and I didn't feel the VERY NEXT contraction I had. Then we waited. As we waited Derek had discovered that we'd been put in a room with a view. This is what he saw
This is what I saw...
It was beautiful and sooo nice. I was feeling soo good. I'd gotten a lot of rest before the contractions got bad so I was feeling rested and peaceful as I watched the clouds float across the sky past the snow covered mountains. Heavenly...really!
As we waited Derek and I discussed what we were going to name this baby...yeah nothing like waiting until the last minute. We'd tossed some names around. Henry James, Noah David, Malachi, Connor... We could never come to a decision. We were never convinced of any of them. Derek had told me earlier in the week that since he pretty much named Hyrum that he'd let me name this one. I told him that I thought it would probably end up being Noah David because it had been around the longest ( We'd considered it for Hyrum) He of course was skeptical but we said if he comes out with dark hair then we'll know it should be Noah David (because my dad and the rest of my family has dark hair and he'd be named after my dad with the name David) In the delivery room Derek asked me what we were naming him.. I told him I wasn't sure. He said that he'd already sent out an email announcing that his name was Noah David trying to get me to decide but I knew that he hadn't. But after most everyone had gotten wet in the delivery room and then his stats started coming by twos (born on 2-20-2010 at 2:12 weighing 8lb 2oz, born when I was 40 weeks 2 days etc.) I KNEW his name should be Noah. And as it turned out his hair ( which is a bit thin at the top at the moment ) was fairly dark. Further confirmation. So Noah David Tangren it is. Although we can't stop calling him Hyrum. We're still getting used to his name even being absolutely convinced of it.
This is my doctor crossing the parking lot to come deliver Noah. She was the first to suggest we name him something that had to do with water. We'd already pretty much decided on Noah by that point so everyone thought it was perfect.
We thought that he would be a little clone of Hyrum since he looked so much like Hyrum in the ultrasound pictures ( I know I know how much can you tell in ULTRASOUND pictures for heavens sake ) and that there isn't too much variety in Derek and my looks that I thought our kids would all kinda look the same but Noah definitely has his own look. We can't wait to see what he's like.
Derek spent most of the day with Noah and I bonding and went back home at around 7. Hyrum had been having all kinds of fun with Grandma but around 6 when Derek usually comes home from work Hyrum started to miss us and went to the window to look for us and got pretty upset and clung to Derek when he got back.
There had been restrictions on visitors to mother and baby with the H1N1 flu scare but when I asked if they had been lifted the nurse said they had so Hyrum was able to come and meet Noah at the hospital. We were glad for that. Noah had been in the nursery when I was in the shower and when Derek brought him in Hyrum saw him but first saw the gift that Noah had gotten for him. A Cars movie and a couple Cars cars.
Initially he wanted nothing to do with me and clung to Grandma when I asked to hug him but he was won over by the fun folding bed.
When he calmed down enough to pay attention to his new little brother a fabulous big brother was born.
He is super sweet with Noah. He loves to pat him on the head and kiss him on the head. Every time Noah cries he says "It's alright baby Noah." which quickly became "It's alright baby Noah! I'm here." He loves his little brother and loves being a big brother. We can't wait to watch these little boys become the best of friends.