This last Saturday we had some unexpected time at home and Derek suggested we clean the house. We'd talked earlier about adjusting Hyrum's chore chart to include chores that he can get paid for. We thought it would help him begin to understand the value of money and then start paying his little bit of tithing to learn that principle. It all started with picking up toys. Then we wrote up chores we thought Hyrum could do or help with and put them on popcicle sticks and in a pint jar.
The first one he picked was "dishes". This job required assistance from Dad. And a raincoat...
Dad makes EVERYTHING fun
Noah wanted to get in on the action too at first
As soon as he got near the bubbles he took a handful and stuffed it in his mouth...that didn't go over too well.
Later, seeing all the excitement he wanted to join in the fun but got caught in the cross fire. He wasn't as excited about it after that.
By the end Hyrum was so drenched that he ditched his shirt and did the rest of his cleaning half naked.
The next stick was bathroom ( which included cleaning up and washing the mirror, and wiping the sink and around the toilet just with water)
He also did some vacuuming and dusting too. At the end of the day he had 2 dollars and a date with the dollar store, his eye on a Superman book.
Then on Monday as you might guess our Family Home Evening lesson was on....Tithing!
Dad doling out the smarties money
Hyrum really seemed to get it. Especially when the windows of heaven were opened.
Then we got out the pennies and did the same object lesson. Didn't go over as well. When Dad asked him to give him a penny he said " But they're mine!" but he ultimately was convinced to do it and again the windows of heaven opened up. He was excited about that
Noah got in on it too
But we had to watch him closer.
After Family Home Evening when we were having our treat we had chocolate chips in a bowl and Derek asked if Hyrum would give him one and he said " Sure Daddy, that's tithing " We laughed and when he asked for another and he said "No daddy, I already gave you the tithing"
Guess the next lesson will have to be on sharing. :) Again.
Dave said...
How fun to watch Hyrum grow up and learn lessons that will see him through his life. Nice job, Mom & Dad. BTW- I don't plan on asking him to wash my mirror too soon.-Mom