Last conference I made up this little booklet for Hyrum to help him pay attention. YEAH RIGHT! He looked at for 5 minutes and was done for the duration. For that reason I didn't plan anything for him for conference but on Friday night it dawned on me that he is older now and might be able to pay attention to something. I decided that a bingo type game would work the best.
I explained to him that every time he saw or heard someone say these things that he could put a Skittle on the game card and then at the end ( if he filled it ) he could eat them. He was REALLY excited to play.
It's appeal would come and go to be replaced with Dad using the "force" ( static electricity ) on balloons.
General playing with Dad
Derek's going to kill me for this one but I love it. :)
Watching Noah go to town on a pear in the meshy feeder thing.
And a flying lesson courtesy of Mom and Dad.
At the end of conference he'd filled his card 4 times and enjoyed the fruits of his labors.
Then afterwards we drove up in the canyon to look at the fall leaves just before storm came through to usher in Autumn weather with rain and cold.
The Dalton's said...
Awesome idea!! What a good little listener. I love the picture of Noah and Derek! We still need to meet him. Next time we come down we'll all have to get together!
Pam said...
Sounds like a successful conference for everyone. Thanks for sharing.
Harrisons said...
Be careful with those conference creations. Bryson came home from church 2 weeks ago and said, "The bishop said that next week is General Conference. That means you need to go buy some candy this week." So we tried carrots. They didn't work as well ;)
Nikki said...
He's so grown up. :)