Hyrum's friends in the neighborhood have a pretty big blow up pool that they put a slide into and make a mini water park in their back yard. Hyrum thought it was really cool so today we went out and bought a smaller blow up pool and put our smaller slide into it for the boys to play in. They loved it!!!
Hyrum is one of those brothers.
Poor Noah! It's tough to be the little guy. :)
Of course Noah gets himself into trouble all by himself too. Little brother syndrome for sure. He thinks he can do everything Hyrum can do.
I don't know what it is with boys and ramps at least my boys and ramps they LOVE running cars down them...they will be ready for the pinewood derby someday.
Those cars go down the slide every bit as much as the boys do...a lot of the time more.
Of course these types of activities are fun for the parents too.
I can't show you the video when he got his hair wet because there was a full moon out ( I really need to do something about those swim trunks- why do they make them so big?!?)
I love that despite it all my boys are friends.
P.S. I LOVE my backyard.
What is more fun in the summer than a fudgesicle. As far as Noah is concerned...NOTHING.
Noah is a momma's boy...always has been. Probably because he doesn't get access to Dad very often but he calls everybody "Momma" Derek has worked tirelessly to get him to say "Dadda" and he flat refuses.It's only fair. I was "Dadda" forever with Hyrum. But he does know his own name. (I'm pointing to Derek first and then to myself)
His face was still coated in a thin layer of fudgesicle so his skin was really tight that's what the squint was at the end.
Really I think "Momma" is his title for everyone in his family. Everyone that loves him. We sure do.
Brei said...
Love those boys! Can't wait to see you Sunday!!
Pam said...
Fun to watch them in that great backyard! Great summer pics. Thanks