Jen tagged me on Monday and My sister Nikki tagged me today and they are different tags so I'll keep my comments brief. First tag first...

-The best thing you cooked last week?
Can I just tell you that I've been dreading being tagged for this question and this question alone. I am an extremely unimaginative cook and my poor husband gets so sick of my same old things (possibly literally). Ok I'd have to say the steak on Sunday that was suppose to be fajitas but I realized that I didn't have onions when I went to make it. Since then Derek has only been able to stomach 7-up and club crackers. Maybe we need some new ideas for dinner. I may be killing my husband.

-If money, time and babysitting were no object, where would you go and with who?
I'd go to Disneyland with my family for a week or two (Derek, Hyrum, Dad, Mom, Sisters and their families) and take turns with the kids then go up the coast to my mission finally and see my areas and if anyone is around anymore. Go with Derek to Germany to visit his mission just the two of us. Take a train across the country and back to Nauvoo. And to Hawaii just for kicks and giggles.

-Five things you were doing ten years ago...
Knocking doors, learning spanish, getting really frustrated with it, telling people some incredible things, choking down beans rice and chicken. (and now I'd kill to have it again...I miss it and I can never get it right when I try to make it) bonus: learning that hot salsa can make your face numb.

-Five things on your to do list today
Shower, laundry, dishes, find something to wear for pictures, prepare the lesson for Sunday

-Five favorite snacks
Popcorn, celery or apples and peanut butter, chips or crackers, candy (I've been trained by Grandma Nellie), and carrots and pretzels.

-Five bad habits
Watching too much T.V.
Not being able to make decisions
Eating too much sugar, butter and carbs
Being a money miser

-Five favorite foods
Olive Garden soup, salads and breadsticks
Pot roast on Sunday
Mashed potatoes (keep 'em comin')
fresh fruit right from the orchard or field

-Top Five places I've been
Europe (The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany,and Austria)
Cruise to the Bahamas

-Five favorite memories
-The day we got married and the subsequent week after. It was seriously perfect!!!
-Derek and I's first kiss "So that's what eveyone's been talking about"
-My year and a half in California. Probably some of the most molding years of my life.
-The summer I spent almost everyday with my cousin Jeannie, at her house, up north and at Grandma Nellie's house making bread, writing mysteries and playing in the barn
-Disneyland with Derek (minus the time-share presentation and losing the camera)

Whew! Done! I tag Nikki and Holly to do this one!

Next one is to write 6 truths about myself:

1. I am stubborn. (yeah I know not a surprise)

2. I'm not a snob! Sometimes I just don't know what to say... okay a lot of times I don't know what to say.

3. I really like cemeteries. It's nothing morbid I just like to get a glimpse into peoples life. They seem really alive to me. I think it has something to do with the fact that I like doing family history. I like documenting and reading about peoples lives and getting to know them even though I've never met them.

4. I run away from conflict. I tend not to be very introspective either, but I'm trying to change that. I'm getting much better at journal writing . It helps me organize my thoughts.

5. I get teary a lot...especially since having Hyrum. Stuff about kids just get to me.

6. I am not a good housekeeper. poor husband.

For this one I tag Jeannie and Erin.

This entry was posted on Friday, November 09, 2007 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    Nikki said...

    Are you kidding me?! Now I have to blog AGAIN?! I will NOT blog! (Look for a new post someday soon on my blog.)

  1. ... on November 9, 2007 at 2:44 PM  
  2. Jenn J. said...

    Yay! You responded to my tag. It sounds like you and I need to make a stop at Olive Garden. Let's send the boys golfing... with the kids ;) and go!

  3. ... on November 12, 2007 at 12:23 PM  
  4. Holly said...

    Funny- I like cemeteries too. I think I am morbid though. And ywas you are a good cook. Every time I have come out there you put on a HUGE spread. And luckily you know the people by name at the Carl's Jr. to spice things up now and again. :)

  5. ... on November 15, 2007 at 11:30 AM  
  6. Binne77 said... I am finally catching up on reading. I'll get this done stat!!

  7. ... on November 25, 2007 at 8:51 AM