So this last week I was lamenting how there is so much that is pressing on the house that requires money. One of them being the front water spigot/sprinklers because in this desert you can't depend on weekly rain for very long. I'd looked online to see if there was any direction as to re-installing an exterior spigot and found nothing so I figured that calling a plumber was in order. When telling this to Derek he said "Do you think I could try it before we call a plumber?" I said... "ok" While I was thinking "Oh no" So on Saturday he thought he'd figure out what he'd need when he was out picking up the lawn mower. He came home with everything! I thought he might wait for his brother and Dad who are coming down this coming weekend but he said he wanted to get started while I got the lawn mower together. But he ended up having to help me unload the mower so he got involved in that instead.
While we were waiting for Dad to get back with the lawn mower I remembered the Bubble mower that Hyrum got for his birthday last year that I hadn't even taken out of the box. I decided to let Hyrum play with it in the house while we waited.
He LOVED it!! He did this again and again! He "mowed" the entire house. He loved that it sounded like it had a real motor in it. And it didn't even have the bubbles in it yet!
So when Derek got the big mower out of the box I put bubbles in the little mower for Hy.
He much preferred to "mow" on the sidewalk. It took a few seconds for the bubbles to start going and when they did he stopped and watched them float away, completely confused as to where they came from. He'd start again and they'd come out again and he'd stop and watch them float away.
Then he realized where they were coming from
But still couldn't figure out how they were coming out.
But after awhile he got the hang of it
And both my boys were so excited about their lawn mowers
And after he saw Dad mowing the LAWN Hyrum was more interested in doing the same
After we went to a ward party Derek started on the water spigot
After this heroic pose ( which totally came naturally ) it was all connected and we had THIS!!
TA DAHHH!!! We still have a tiny drip that drips once every four or five minutes but we hope that will be remedied when Derek's dad and brother come down with a blowtorch or some extra muscle.
So no more hoses through the house for this!!!
Hyrum took off his shoes while he was eating and I told him he couldn't go outside but he got outside when Dad was running the sprinklers and he didn't even notice that his socks were wet but we knew everywhere he went afterwards
By the end of the night though he was SOAKED and cold.
But he still gave us a smile!
While we were waiting for Dad to get back with the lawn mower I remembered the Bubble mower that Hyrum got for his birthday last year that I hadn't even taken out of the box. I decided to let Hyrum play with it in the house while we waited.
He LOVED it!! He did this again and again! He "mowed" the entire house. He loved that it sounded like it had a real motor in it. And it didn't even have the bubbles in it yet!
Then he realized where they were coming from
But still couldn't figure out how they were coming out.
And both my boys were so excited about their lawn mowers
After we went to a ward party Derek started on the water spigot
By the end of the night though he was SOAKED and cold.
Harrisons said...
Yeah for Derek!! You need to post a picture of the front of your house with no snow. It looks totally different than all the other pictures I've seen! How did things go on Sunday? No announcement on the blog?
p.s. I couldn't get the videos to work. It could be just me.
Pam said...
Derek, you are officially a homeowner! You fixed your first house problem! Good for you. Congrats! Now, to keep up with Hyrum, you have your hands full. He will have the lawn mowed long before you can get to it.
Brei said...
I never get over how cute Hy is! Send Derek our way for our sprinkler problems when he gets a chance!
Nikki said...
Way to go Derek! Awesome!
I love this post! Hyrum is way too cute!!
Kendall and Melissa said...
It finally feels like you own your own place when you start fixing things and changing things. I think for me it was tearing out the whole front yard that made me feel like the place was actually mine to do what I want with. Congrats! Buying a lawnmower is a big step!!
Jenn J. said...
Looks to me like you have yourself TWO handy men! I love Hy and his little lawnmower. We have a little play lawnmower and still to this day, Carter pushes it around and helps Eric mow the lawn. He genuinely believes he's helping and I never get tired of watching it. It's too cute. Also, kudos to Derek for fixing the sprinklers. Although, I personally liked thinking about the hose being dragged through your house. Hysterical.