Ever since bringing Noah home he has been "Baby Noah" to Hyrum. He has called him nothing else and we even found ourselves calling him that too. Then with my fatigue induced tied tongue I started shortening it to "Bubba". A stretch I know but it stuck and I found myself calling him Bubba more and more. At his two week appointment after hearing us describe some symptoms Noah was having the doctor said that he probably had a touch of reflux. Upon hearing that we started to connect the dots and it all totally made sense. Then we began hearing how hereditary it is and both Derek's father and brother had to have surgery to correct the problem. Meanwhile we began noticing that the symptoms were getting worse. We started to really worry about imminent surgery. They said they didn't worry about the reflux unless the baby is loosing weight so we figured that reflux babies were skinny. But our little Bubba was growing like crazy and getting so heavy. My mom kept saying that I needed to put him on a diet.
(This doesn't even do it justice this little man has rolls upon rolls and even has armpit rolls)
Even so when we went in for his two month appointment we were surprised that he was not only 24 inches long but also weighed 14 pounds 10 ounces!!! Hyrum who is almost 3 years old weighs 30 pounds. When I talked to the doctor the first order of business was to relay the family history and tell him how much worse his reflux seemed and was ready to schedule a surgery to avoid more misery since it seemed in all instances to be unavoidable. The patient doctor explained that when babies have reflux it gets worse around two months and even with the family history it could still clear up on it's own so we just wait and see. But in the meantime he gave Noah a prescription for Zantac saying that if it wasn't helping enough we could give him something stronger. In the write up about what babies should be doing at this stage it said that they should be eating 5-6 times a day and may drop the night feeding over the next few weeks. I was shocked. Noah was eating every two hours and sometimes more often with maybe a three hour stint at night. I began to think maybe I going too quickly to feed him when he didn't necessarily need to eat that often. Hyrum would suck on his fist where Noah couldn't seem to keep his fist to his mouth. I resolved to try harder to get him to use the pacifier. But the FIRST day I gave him the Zantac he ate much less and was probably right on par with 5-6 feedings a day and went 4 hours between feedings at night. He was much more calm and was awake much more too. Before he'd often start nursing and fall asleep. It makes sense that he'd want to be eating all the time since it would feel much better to have things going down than coming back up and he'd want to go to sleep to avoid feeling the fire. I know that when I was pregnant and dealing with heartburn I found myself eating a lot because I kept thinking the next thing I ate would make me feel better. Of course the only thing that helped was ice cream, and that must have been what I was producing to have him gain so much weight.
So we love Zantac. And Noah loves the affects of Zantac but does NOT love the taste of it.
What's funny is that he continues to jerk and shake his head like that for probably a half hour after he takes it. He even dreams about it an shakes his head. But despite all of that he woke up ONCE last night to eat. ONCE! Hyrum didn't do that until he was nearly a year. We might actually get him sleeping through the night by three months!
Carlie said...
How stinking cute is that little chubby bubba?!! We always called our boys "bubba" too- it just works with boys! He is such a sweet doll and thank goodness for Zantac! Who ever said any medicine tastes good? But if it works, it's well worth it! Keep up the good work!