We were having Family Home Evening the other day talking about the Plan of Salvation. I was trying to lay out my flannel board world and spirit and body and Celestial, Terrestrial and Telestial kingdoms but Hyrum was everywhere. He wanted to get down, or run around singing "Follow the Prophet" as he does at the beginning and end of every Family Home Evening. I tried to explain that we want to get to the Celestial Kingdom because that's where we could be together as a family but he kept asking where Mom or dad was ( since I explained the main person was him ). At the end I was convinced that the plan of salvation was lost on him at this point and decided to shelf the felt pieces until he was older. Then the other day while talking to my sister on the phone he got my pieces out and was playing with them on the kitchen floor.
I thought it was cute and was relieved that he was occupying himself and wasn't clamoring to get my attention and didn't think much more about it. Then I started to notice what he was doing.
He had placed the whole family on the Celestial kingdom! Maybe something did get through. It made all the struggling and fighting for his attention during Family Home Evening worth it.
We are a happy family!
Kyle and Amy Brinkerhoff said...
It is amazing what they pick up.
Nikki said...
He's a keeper! :)
Pam said...
A great story and a great Mom to attempt that concept with a busy 2 yr old. You make me proud!