I've been going on and on about my garden lately failing to mention word one about my second garden. We started this garden about a month or more after my first garden. I guess the reason why I fail to mention this garden at all is because it's very low maintenance. Our generous hosts and partner in produce tilled compost into the land ran a soaker hose around in the furrow and then placed black plastic over the entire garden. We came a day or so later and cut holes in the plastic where we planted our plants and haven't done much since. Our lovely host waters it by turning on the soaker hose every day, fertilizes it once a week and weeds where there is a hole in the plastic. Besides the unfortunate weeding by her son where he meticulously plucked every last broccoli plant but one and started down the row of carrots before we caught him and the mysterious garden egging all it has done is grown and flourished with little or no need for care. Our first tomatoes will come out of that garden and it was our first hope of zucchini and summer squash. We have neglected and scorned this poor garden ( Derek's only been there twice while he goes to the other one twice a week) and I decided it needed a little love and praise. So to you my beautiful "step" garden, this post is for you!
6 years ago
Harrisons said...
Yeah, your "lovely host" doesn't do too much either. And it only gets watered once or twice a week. I think the real praise goes to the black plastic that I swear by because it holds the moisture in and keeps weeds at bay. And the real ugly side note here is that awful shed! That thing has GOT TO GO! (Looks even worse in pictures, but it does let me park in my garage!)
Nikki said...
Looks good! Where are you going to put all this produce once both gardens produce buckets ( I mean bushels) of crops?? :) You all better be hungry! :)
Dave said...
With lots of grass clippings available here, I'm able to accomplish what the plastic does just dumping the grass clippings around the plants. In fact, in the spring, after the wintering in the garden, the leaves, grass clippings and the like, are broken down to nourish the soil. I just dig into the "stuff" and stick in the plants or seeds, and add water (aren't soaker hoses great) and it grows a great garden - provided it gets sunshine, and I keep out the rabbits. =)
Jenn J. said...
That's my kind of garden. No, seriously... that's just what we did with ours, minus the fertilizing and watering. :) Luckily ours is on an automatic sprinkler so it basically waters itself. I dont have much time for weeding or fertilizing so it doesn't get much of that either. Miraculously, we have had things grow. Each time I see something blossom I'm utterly surprised. :) I love your step garden. It's beautiful.