Hyrum turned 6 months on Sunday and he spent the day at home...sick. He's got a horrible cough. Not your little run of the mill tiny dry cough. No he's got a rattly, hacking, turn your face red, make your eyes water and just about explode, think a lung is going to come up cough. Luckily he has some coughless hours but when they come they make you want to cry for him. He just looks at you with those red watery eyes like "Why does that keep happening?" We really hope he gets better soon. But to honor my sweet 6 month old I'm going to list 6 things I love about Hyrum ( as is becoming a tradition of sorts in my family)
1. He's just so dang cute! Everyday I look at him and think "Man your cute! How can you be mine"
2. He gives me kisses on the cheek. ( He used to suck on my cheeks but now he just keeps his mouth open, sometimes he even shakes his head a little like movie star kisses of my youth)
3. He is always kicking his little legs like it's his job. I can be in another room and hear the tap ,tap, tap of his little feet on whatever he's laying on.
4. He still startles so easy ( just like his mom). His WHOLE body reacts and he throws limbs out in every direction ( just like in the womb).
5. He has taught me SOO many things in the 6 short months of his life.
6. I love rediscovering the world with him...
Do YOU remember the first time you saw a glow stick? ( He kept waving it around like a lightsaber)
Happy 6 month birthday, Little man. We love you!
Sorry I just have to do this...
I was looking at the pictures we took at Halloween and these pictures were in this exact sequence and seemed to tell a story...
"Oh I get it. We walk around and people give us candy that sounds like a good gig...let's do it!"
WHAT!!! I don't get to eat ANY of the candy!?!
Awww Man!! Dang it! Little guys never get to have fun.
But I guess that's alright!
Everyone will know that mom and dad are going to eat that candy themselves and next year all the candy is MINE!!!